![UCI har nye regler på vej](https://www.cykelportalen.dk/wp-content/uploads/UCI-Thumbnail.jpg)
![UCI har nye regler på vej](https://www.cykelportalen.dk/wp-content/uploads/UCI-Thumbnail.jpg)
UCI har nye regler på vej
NyhederPressemeddelser 27. november 2012 CYKELPORTALEN
![UCI har nye regler på vej](https://www.cykelportalen.dk/wp-content/uploads/UCI-Thumbnail.jpg)
Vi har tidligere omtalt og besøgt UCI hovedkvarter i forbindelse med deres meget omdiskuterede Frame & Sticker program. Nu lancerer UCI nye opdaterede regler for rytterens position på cyklen.
Efter en nylig undersøgelse om rytternes positioner på vej og bane, har UCI bemærket at deres forordninger, der kan dateres tilbage til 2000 ikke længere helt er tidsvarende, da 80% af ryttere automatisk, af morfologiske grunde, anmoder om en undtagelse, før starten af et løb.
Derfor vil UCI indføre reformer med hensyn til rytternes positioner, planlagt med virkning fra 2014. Kommissær kontrollerne skal forenkles og forbedres, og deres reproducerbarhed effektiviseres, så der ikke længere vil være behov for fortolkning, da de fremtidige regler vil blive anvendt ensartet igennem hele sæsonen.
I praksis vil en rytter frit kunne vælge mellem to undtagelser tilladt ud fra morfologiske grunde:
- enten at bevæge spidsen af sadlen fremad til det lodrette plan gennem midten af den nederste beslag eller
- positionering af styret udvidelse fremad op til en højst 80 cm foran midten af kranken.
Det bliver ikke tilladt at gøre begge dele. Desuden vil morfologiske tests ikke længere være nødvendigt for undtagelser for at flytte spidsen af sadlen fremad (knæ test) eller flytte styrforlængelse fremad (kontrollere vinklen af armene).
Med henblik på at gennemføre disse ændringer samt garantere retfærdighed mellem ryttere i form af den rette holdning under løbene, vil der være to præciseringer af de tekniske forskrifter:
- Alle typer af gearskiftere (manuel, automatisk og elektronisk) skal måles fra enderne (manuelle geargreb placeret på linje med styrextensions)
- Højdeforskellen mellem det punkt af støtten til albuer og de højeste og laveste punkter på styrets udvidelse (herunder gearstænger) skal være mindre end 10 cm for at sikre, at underarmene er vandrette.
Det betyder, at fra 2014 er det kun cyklen der skal kontrolleres, og rytteren vil ikke længere blive bedt om at deltage sammen med hans eller hendes cykel. Det betyder, at rytterne ikke bliver forstyrret i deres forberedelser lige før starten af løbet. Disse ændringer vil give ryttere mere frihed og samtidig undgå enhver risiko for diskvalifikation under løbet på grund af vedtagelsen af en ikke-regulerende position, der er til tider ufrivilligt påvirker indsatsen.
UCI ændringsforslag.
Articles 1.3.013 and 1.3.023 of the UCI technical regulations will be amended on 1 January 2014 as indicated in red below:
1.3.013 The peak of the saddle shall be a minimum of 5 cm to the rear of a vertical plane passing through the bottom bracket spindle. This restriction shall not be applied to the bicycle ridden by a rider in a sprint event on track (flying 200 m, flying lap, sprint, team sprint, keirin, 500 metres and 1 kilometre); however, in no circumstances shall the peak of the saddle extend in front of a vertical line passing through the bottom bracket spindle.The peak of the saddle can be move forward until the vertical line passing through the bottom bracket spindle where that is necessary for morphological reasons. By morphological reasons should be understood everything to do with the size and limb length of the rider.Any rider who, for these reasons, considers that he needs to use a bicycle of lesser dimensions than those given shall inform the commissaires’ panel to that effect at the time of the bike check when presenting his licence. In that case, the panel may conduct the following test. Using a plumb-line, they shall check to see whether, when pedalling, the point of the rider’s knee when at its foremost position shall not pass beyond a vertical line passing through the pedal spindle (see diagram «Measurements (2)»).Only one exemption for morphological reasons may be requested; either the peak of the saddle can be moved forward or the handlebar extensions can be moved forward, in accordance with Article 1.3.023.
1.3.023 For road time trials and individual and team pursuit on the track, a fixed extension may be added to the steering system; in this instance, the height difference between the elbow support points and the highest and lowest points of the handlebar extension (including gear levers) must be less than 10 cm only a position where the forearms are in the horizontal plane is permitted. It is also possible to add a handlebar extension for the 500 m and kilometre time trials on the track, but in this case, the position of the tip of the saddle must be at least 5 cm behind the vertical plane passing through the bottom bracket axle.
The distance between the vertical line passing through the bottom bracket axle and the extremity of the handlebar may not exceed 75 cm, with the other limits set in article 1.3.022 (B,C,D) remaining unchanged. Elbow or forearm rests are permitted (see diagram «Structure (1B)»).
For road time trial competitions, controls or levers fixed to the handlebar extension may not extend beyond the 75 cm limit as long as they do not constitute a change of use, particularly that of providing an alternative hand position beyond the 75 cm mark.
For the track and road competitions covered by the first paragraph, the distance of 75 cm may be increased to 80 cm to the extent that this is required for morphological reasons; «morphological reasons » should be taken as meaning anything regarding the size or length of the rider’s body parts. A rider who, for this reason, considers that he needs to make use of a distance between 75 and 80 cm must inform the commissaires’ panel at the time of the bike check at the moment that he presents his licence. In such cases the commissaires’ panel may carry out the following test: ensuring that the angle between the forearm and upper arm does not exceed 120° when the rider is in a racing position.
Only one exemption for morphological reasons may be requested; either the handlebar extension can be moved forward or the peak of the saddle can be moved forward, in accordance with Article 1.3.013.
The regulations will apply in the 2013 season in exactly the same way as they did in 2012. Commissaires may thus still carry out morphological tests and manual gear levers will still be measured from their axis point.
Thank you for taking note of these new guidelines. Please do not hesitate to contact the UCI Equipment Unit if you require any clarification.
I wish you a very good end to the year and an excellent 2013 season.
Please accept my kindest regards.
Julien Carron
Technological Coordinator