Merckx Bikes forbliver Belgisk
Pressemeddelser 26. juni 2017 CYKELPORTALEN
Kanibalens eget cykelmærke Merckx Bikes har haft det lidt svært de senere år. Nu overtager et andet Belgisk mærke Ridley Bikes Eddy Merckx Bicycles.
I følge pressemeddelsen, vil de to brands stadig være to seperate brands, men vil fælles kunne trække på udviklings, markedsførings og distributionskanaler. Et område som Ridley i forvejen er meget stærkt på.
Merckx grundlagde mærket i 1980, to år efter han var stoppet som professionel cykelrytter. I 2008 trak han sig ud af firmaet men kom atter tilbage i 2015 som Brand ambassadør.
Bart van Muylder, CEO of Van Diepensteyn NV, said, “we sold almost 1,500 Merckx bikes in the United States last year, our limited scale in particular has a negative impact on our buying and selling prices and means that the fixed costs keep our financial results under pressure.”
“Also, as a small player we do not have sufficient clout to win the strongest international distribution partners for us.”
“If the Merckx brand really wants to break through globally, it had to partner with a big player. We found it our responsibility to keep this Belgian heritage in Belgian hands.”
“Ridley, with its strapline “We are Belgium”, its worldwide distribution and presence in the WorldTour peloton, is the ideal company to continue the tribute to Eddy Merckx.”
Ridley CEO Jochim Aerts commented, “this brand has so much history and means so much for the Belgian bicycle industry. Eddy Merckx and Ridley are the best-known Belgian bicycle brands and they can now strengthen each other. We guarantee the survival and further development of this brand. This acquisition creates a kind of cross-pollination of the two Belgian brands within our compant”.
Vi har tidligere testet cykler både fra Ridley og Merxck