1000 eksemplarer af det smarte trinløse gearnav NuVinci fra Fallbrook Technologies bliver nu doneret til Worldbike for brug i de underudviklede lande. Worldbike er et netværk af cykel designere og fabrikanter. Der er tale om en paraply organisation som laver forskellige tiltag for at udbrede cykling specielt i underudviklede lande som Afrika og Sydamerika.
“Throughout the world, many of the bicycles currently in use typically break down too easily, and in developing countries are often a patchwork of parts, especially from the drivetrain perspective,” said David Hancock, Fallbrook’s executive vice president of business units. “We’re pleased to be able to make this donation, which should enable people in developing countries to travel greater distances with less downtime. This is particularly important for bikes used to deliver water and medical supplies or provide ‘taxi’ service.”
Craig Calfee, vil stå for distribution af donationen, som foruden gearsystemet også omfatter reservedele og skiftegreb til NuVinci N171 navet.
“This generous donation from Fallbrook Technologies will anchor our efforts to introduce robust, modern bicycles and other human-powered devices to developing countries,” said Calfee. “Aside from the sheer volume of donated units, the added value of the NuVinci drivetrain makes it incredibly appropriate for this purpose.”
Calfee er grundlægger af Calfee Design og Bamboosero, en organisation som fremmer micro produktion af bambus cykler i underudviklede lande.
- Fallbrook Technologies