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Shimano, Pro og Bikefitting har udviklet det perfekte cykelbuks saddel match Shimano, Pro og Bikefitting har udviklet det perfekte cykelbuks saddel match
Ny Tenku bib shorts, er specielt konstrueret til at matche PROs korte næse Stealth sadel Shimano, Pro og Bikefitting har udviklet det perfekte cykelbuks saddel match

Den hellige treenighed af kontaktpunkter – fødder, hænder og bagside – har været genstand for alle cykelkonstruktører producenter og designere gennem mange  år. Mange cyklister har svært ved at finde den bedste kombination af cykelbuks siddestilling og saddel.

For at imødegå ​​dette, ha  Shimano  designet deres nye Tenku-bib-shorts så den passer perfekt sammen med  PRO Stealth-sadlen. Shimano har udviklet en ny Bib Selector som gør det lettere at træffe det rette valg og kombination.

Shimano’s Tenku bibshorts er designet nøjagtigt til at matche formen på Stealth-sadlen fra Shimano-ejede brand PRO takket være laboratoriemålinger og krævende test fra og en hel række af  testkørere.

Shimano product manager Giovanna Dominicus: “We started our focus on the PRO Stealth saddle, which is a short-nose saddle design for fast and hard riding. It puts different demands on a chamois which aren’t immediately apparent but start to be noticed the longer you’re in the saddle, especially over back-to-back days. By being highly specific on the exact size, shape and material of the saddle, we could create a far more optimized bib short.“The Stealth is for more aggressive riding, it tilts the rider more forward, shifting pressure points and makes the rider more aerodynamic. Knowing this design characteristic meant we could be more precise in the construction of the padding. We reshaped the chamois and developed new super microfibre antibacterial honeycomb structured materials which are specifically made for longer rides at a higher pace. This wicks sweat better and even creates micro ventilation in the shorts where the anatomic cut in the Stealth saddle is. We could match the shape of the saddle exactly to the chamois, reducing chafing, creating a perfect fit and a superior garment in many ways.

”’s Niels Boon: “At the final stage of the development of these unique bib shorts, the research done by showed that the Tenku bib shorts delivered a higher comfort level and a lower amount of overall pressure at the front part of the saddle than traditional bib shorts. This was confirmed in a representative group of experienced cyclists, in lab tests as well as during field tests under real-life conditions.”

Det er ikke kun for elite rytteren at det korrekte valg af saddel og cykelbukser er vigtigt, Også den helt almindlige motionist kan have stor gavn af det. Derfor har Shimano udviklet en guide, som hjælper med at træffe det rette valg. .

Både Pro sadlen og Shimano bukserne er nu tilgængelige på markedet
