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Peter Eland forlader VeloVision Peter Eland forlader VeloVision
Det unikke engelske cykelmagasin VeloVision skifter kaptain. Peter Eland overlader cykelstyret til Howard Yeomans Peter Eland forlader VeloVision


Folk der interesserer sig for cykler ud over de sædvanlige havelåger og landevejslyn, kender formodentligt det kultagtige engelsksprogede cykelmagasin VeloVision. Siden 2001 har Peter Eland med en smittende entusiasme skrevet om alle ikke mainstream cykler, lige fra serieproducerede foldecykler, liggecykler, transportcykler, handikapcykler, til unikke selvbygger konstruktioner. Bladet er udkommet regelmæssigt op til 4 gange om året både som trykt magasin og som e-magasin. VeloVision forsætter men på nye hænder…
Peter Eland trænger til en pause og nye udfordringer, så det er med sindsro at han overlader styrepinden til sin mangeårige medhjælper  Howard Yeomans. I pressemeddelsen siger de to:


pete eland

Peter Eland said: “I’m delighted to be passing Velo Vision into such capable hands with Howard, and I can’t wait to see where he takes it with his fresh energy and new perspective. It’s been a privilege producing the magazine, and working with the many passionate and lovely people in the specialist bike industry. But after two decades in magazines it is time for a change, to recharge my cycling batteries, and to maybe take on a new challenge.”

Howard Yeomans said: “I am very excited to have this opportunity to become editor and publisher ofVelo Vision. As a long-term reader of the magazine, I salute what Peter has achieved over the last 14 years in 48 issues of Velo Vision, and the consistently high quality of his output. I intend to match that high standard, to continue the tried and tested Velo Vision format and to listen closely to reader feedback before making any evolutionary changes. I’m looking forward to working closely with Peter over the next few issues to ensure it’s a seamless handover.”
