Tern giver mere en 350.000,- til godgørende formål
Pressemeddelser 13. december 2022 CYKELPORTALEN
Specialist i by mobilitet Tern Bicycles er glad for at kunne annoncere tilskuds modtagerne af dette års Give Back-program. Udvalget omfatter nonprofitorganisationer, der arbejder hen imod en bedre i dag og er placeret rundt om i verden: World Central Kitchen, World Bicycle Relief, Bike Scouts og Asia Rainbow Ride. Derudover omfatter dette års program det første Give Tilbage-stipendium til fremme af mangfoldighed og inklusion i cykelbranchen.
Hvert år donerer Tern mindst 1 % af det foregående års nettooverskud til sociale eller miljømæssige formål gennem Give Back-programmet. For 2022 er Terns donationer i alt 50.000 USD.
“It means a lot to everybody in the Tern Team to give back to organizations that are doing amazing work,” stated Josh Hon, Tern Team Captain. “Whether we’re giving to large nonprofits or to a single individual, our goal is to make an impact. Generally we direct most of our Give Back grants to environmental or bicycle-related projects, but with the Ukraine war raging and lots of people suffering, we really felt the need to expand the scope of our giving, and work with organizations like World Central Kitchen that are supporting refugees.”
Du kan snart læse vores test af Tern’s nye lille elcykel vidunder NBD, der scorer meget højt på tilbehørsdelen…